
At ICON Dermatology & Aesthetics in North Bethesda, MD, our patients want to look and feel their best. Microneedling is one of the treatments we offer our patients because of the many skin benefits.

Microneedling, also known as transcutaneous collagen induction therapy, involves the delivery of discrete wounds to the skin using a specialized (sterile, disposable and motorized) tip with fine needles. The tiny pricks to the skin’s dermal and epidermal layers serve to stimulate the growth of new collagen and elastin. The increased collagen and elastin help to improve the skin’s texture. Recovery occurs within several days during which time the treated skin appears pink in color while it is being repaired from within. Light flaking may also occur.

In recent years, the treatment method and microneedling device itself have been improved making it safer, gentler, and more effective while continuing to deliver the excellent results patients have come to expect. Our dermatologists use Collagen P.I.N. from Induction Therapies, a leader in the industry.

For more information about microneedling, call ICON Dermatology & Aesthetics at 301-810- 3600 today to schedule a consultation.



Microneedling involves the use of a handheld device that is loaded with very fine medical-grade needles. The device is gently passed over the skin, with the needles creating microchannels in the skin, anywhere from 0.5-3.0 mm in depth. This triggers the body’s normal healing mechanism with an associated increase in collagen.

The collagen deposition improves skin texture and elasticity, softens fine lines and wrinkles, and improves acne and other scars. The microneedling treatment can be combined with hyaluronic acid-based serums, growth factors, and PRP to further improve results.

The microneedling procedure is a minimal downtime procedure. Patients can expect some redness for a few days. Patients notice an immediate improvement in the feel and radiance of their skin after the procedure. Over the following weeks to months, collagen is deposited resulting in longer-term improvements in texture, fine lines, and scars. In most cases, a series of treatments is required for best results.


As our skin ages, the production of the skin’s primary building block (collagen) slows down which causes the skin to look and feel thin. By stimulating the production of collagen, microneedling creates a more youthful and uniform skin appearance. Clinical results from microneedling are natural, subtle, and achieved over time as the body repairs itself. As a result, it can be used to minimize wrinkles and enlarged pores as well as to improve the appearance of scars in all skin types.


Microneedling is recommended for treatment of enlarged pores, vertical lip lines, crow’s feet, stretch marks, and scars from a variety of causes such as acne, trauma, and surgery. Our physicians often combine it with other treatments, including Fraxel Clear & Brilliant laser resurfacing and Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP), in order to increase the clinical benefits. 


Microneedling can be used for several skin conditions and for patients of nearly any age or ethnicity who want to improve the tone and texture of their skin. Unlike lasers, microneedling does not heat the skin. This lack of heat reduces the risk of post-treatment hyperpigmentation. For this reason, microneedling can be used safely in all skin types, including Hispanic, Asian, and African American skin which tend to have higher melanin (pigment) content.


Microneedling is commonly used to address:

  • Uneven skin texture

  • Fine lines and wrinkles

  • Sun damage

  • Early signs of aging

  • Acne and surgical scars

  • Stretch marks 


  • Have taken Accutane (isotretinoin) within the three months preceding treatment

  • Have open wounds, cuts or abrasions on the skin to be treated

  • Have a skin infection, inflammatory condition, or herpes simplex in the area to be treated

  • Have active acne lesions 

During your personalized consultation at ICON Dermatology & Aesthetics, we will discuss your skin concerns and the ways that microneedling can improve your complexion.


Microneedling is recommended for a variety of different scars- including those resulting from acne, trauma, or surgery. Clinical improvement ranging 50% to 80% has been seen after a series of 3 or more sessions at monthly intervals. Patients with longstanding scars which have often caused them to be self-conscious have regained much confidence after treatment. If you have suffered from scarring, our physicians are best equipped to create a customized treatment plan to help you regain confidence and restore the beauty of your skin. 


Microneedling has proven helpful in smoothing the vertical wrinkles that are often seen around the mouth (perioral rhytides) as well as the wrinkles around the eyes (crow’s feet or periocular rhytides). These wrinkles are often caused by repetitive muscle movements in the areas as well as by destruction of collagen due to cumulative sun damage through the years. The thin skin around the eyes makes them more prone to wrinkling as well. 


Microneedling is one of a select group of treatments that can offer excellent results without significant associated downtime. This explains its recent popularity as patients move away from surgical procedures in favor of minimally invasive, minimal downtime treatments offering subtle, natural results.

The many benefits of microneedling include:

  • The treatment time is short

  • Treatment is not painful

  • There is little downtime

  • It is safe for all skin types

  • You will experience increased collagen production

  • Your skin can absorb products and topical treatments more effectively after a session

  • It can be combined with other treatments

  • It can be repeated to maintain and even improve your results



  • A customized procedure plan: Our board-certified dermatologists will create a customized treatment plan to address your unique goals for your skin. This will include a recommended number of sessions, session frequency, and maintenance treatments.

  • Improvement with repeated treatment: Microneedling treatments can be performed alone, but a series of 3 to 6 treatments at monthly time intervals are often recommended to maximize the clinical response. Each minimally invasive procedure is performed within a 30-minute office visit. Our physicians will determine the best treatment strategy for each patient based on the degree of skin damage and patient concerns.

  • Minimal discomfort: Topical numbing cream will be applied to make the treatment more comfortable.  Adjustments will be made as needed during the session to ensure that you are comfortable.

  • A short treatment time: Depending on the treatment area and your skin concerns, a microneedling treatment can take 15 minutes to an hour to complete.

  • Minimal recovery time: You may experience some mild facial redness after your treatment that will usually fade within a few days. Some people may experience other temporary effects such as dryness, flaking or skin tightness and rarely bruising.

  • Effective aftercare treatment: You will be given skincare to apply after your treatment. Our dermatologists will advise that you wear a sunscreen as well to protect your skin after a treatment session.

Generally, a minimum of three treatments are recommended to help you achieve the most effective results. With Collagen P.I.N. microneedling, you can see continued improvement in your skin for up to six months after your last treatment!


Also known as the “Vampire Facial”, microneedling with PRP (platelet-rich plasma) uses a patient’s own blood to rejuvenate the skin. The procedure starts by drawing a patient’s blood. The tube containing the blood is then placed in a centrifuge to separate the red blood cells from the platelet rich plasma.

The platelet-rich plasma is rich in growth factors and other proteins that can then be used to stimulate collagen and elastin production. If you decide to combine PRP with your microneedling treatment, it will be applied topically during and after your session. The goal of microneedling with PRP is to improve skin texture and tone, reduce pore size, tighten and firm skin, and reduce visible signs of aging. And thanks to the healing properties of PRP, your skin will recover from microneedling even faster.


The numerous benefits of PRP can also be experienced outside of a microneedling treatment. PRP is becoming more commonly used to help treat hair loss. It can be applied after Clear + Brilliant and other laser treatments to enhance your results and speed up the recovery process.

PRP can also be injected into your:

  • Undereye area

  • Horizontal neck lines

  • Acne scars

  • Stretch marks

PRP has been used in medical applications to promote healing after injuries. The cosmetic application of PRP is exciting and innovative, and something that we are proud to offer to our patients. Read More →


We know that you may have a few more questions about this effective facial rejuvenation treatment. The best way to get answers is to schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists. Until then, here are some of the questions that we commonly hear during the consultation process:


We apply a topical numbing cream before your procedure to ensure that the treatment will be comfortable.  


You will experience increased collagen production and an improvement in your overall complexion long after your last treatment. The collagen that is generated from treatment will be subject to the same degradation process over time as the rest of your skin. You can also schedule additional treatments to enhance your results. Our dermatologists can help develop a schedule to achieve your unique goals.  


You may have come across DIY or at-home microneedling devices. These devices often look like paint rollers covered in pins. The truth is that they cannot penetrate the skin as deeply or effectively as an in-office treatment. The pins may be dull or jagged and they are not FDA approved. Improper use can lead to skin damage or infection. Our staff is highly trained and we know how to perform a treatment with the proper technique, uniformity, timing, and depth in a sterile environment.  


Some people do experience mild peeling, like after a sunburn. While it does not happen to everyone, peeling can be one of the signs that your skin is working to remove old, damaged cells and replace them with new, radiant ones. The peeling you experience should be minimal, as our board-certified dermatologists will give your post-care directions for keeping your skin hydrated and protected. 


During the microneedling procedure, there will be light bleeding, but the skin appears only pink (without bleeding) at the completion of the treatment. As such, microneedling is considered a “little to no downtime” treatment. The healing process is quick and painless. Mild skin redness and swelling (like a sunburn) is expected but resolves quickly within a few days. Skincare products to enhance the results from the procedure are recommended in order to maximize the benefits from treatment. In most cases, makeup can be applied the following day. Favorable clinical responses are often observed within 4 weeks after treatment as the collagen begins to form. 


ICON Dermatology & Aesthetics delivers an elevated experience to our patients. Our staff is dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic goals while providing a comfortable, enjoyable experience.

Our board-certified dermatologists are leaders in nonsurgical skin rejuvenation. They will take the time to listen to your cosmetic goals and determine how to achieve them. If you are interested in microneedling and want to learn if it may be right for you, call ICON Dermatology & Aesthetics at 301-810- 3600 to schedule a consultation today.

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