Sculptra Butt Bethesda
Sculptra Bethesda


Sculptra is a type of dermal filler that has been in use since it was FDA-approved in 1999. It has long been used for facial rejuvenation, smoothing smile lines, lifting sunken cheeks, and strengthening jawlines. In recent years, however, dermatologists have started using Sculptra in a unique way, to improve skin texture and laxity – think thin, wrinkled and crepey skin of the neck, décolleté, arms, and knees. It has also been used more recently to add volume and shape to the buttock.

Sculptra can be a wonderful solution to many skin concerns of the face and body. Sculptra  stimulates the production of collagen to firm, tighten, and restore sagging contours, as well as mitigate the onset of crepe-like skin that occurs with the aging process.

The skin rejuvenating effects of this innovative treatment are pronounced and visible, with collagen and elastin production starting as early as four weeks after the injections. This causes long-term skin tightening with ongoing dermal thickening.


What is Sculptra?

Sculptra® is a type of dermal filler, which is a cosmetic procedure to smooth fine lines and deep wrinkles. Comprised of poly-L-lactic acid, Sculptra is mixed with sterile water and is then injected into the skin to create a fuller or smoother appearance. Poly-L-lactic acid is a collagen stimulator that encourages cells to produce more collagen. Collagen is a protein that gives the skin structure, support, and strength.


How does Sculptra Work?

Over time, the skin loses its ability to maintain the same firm foundation as it did in our youth. There is a reduction in collagen production and increased loss of collagen as we age. Due to a decrease in collagen, there is a loss of volume and wrinkles form.  Sculptra helps to reestablish a firmer foundation by stimulating the dermis to create more collagen. 


But how precisely is this accomplished? Shortly after Sculptra is injected, the dermis develops an inflammatory response to the poly-L-lactic particles. The body uses inflammation as a natural defense against injury and as the start of the healing process. Subsequently, the poly-L-lactic breaks down into molecules that the body may easily digest, namely carbon dioxide and water. Collagen is formed during this process and the extracellular matrix is rebuilt, giving the skin additional volume and a smoother, firmer texture.

What can Sculptra be used for?

·         Facial volume loss

·         Radial cheek lines

·         Crepey skin of the face and body

·         Smoothing & volumizing the buttocks

·         Fat loss caused by HIV

What areas can be treated with Sculptra?


The loss of collagen, a normal aspect of aging, is one of the main causes of fine lines and wrinkles on the face. Sculptra boosts volume within the skin, and is able to stimulate collagen production in the skin as it’s broken down by the body, creating long-lasting results. Sculptra is unique because it is a non-invasive treatment that improves the skin's firmness and quality over time, resulting in a youthful, natural appearance over several months. It also minimizes the appearance of small lines and wrinkles following the initial injection.  It can be used to reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles, nasolabial folds, marionette lines, as well as in the temples and jawline to improve facial contouring.



As we age, our bodies produce less collagen, a protein that gives our skin support, shape, and elasticity. The loss of collagen results in the loss of skin volume, sagging, and the appearance of wrinkles and prominent lines on our necks. Sculptra can be injected into the skin of the neck to increase the production of collagen. The body degrades the PLLA after a few months, replacing the injected substance with newly produced collagen. This process gradually restores volume to the skin on the neck, and improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles.



If you want a butt that looks fuller without having surgery, a Sculptra Butt Lift is a fantastic option. Sculptra is an FDA-approved filler that naturally stimulates the production of collagen in your body (Sculptra for the buttocks is off-label). Although results are noticeable right away, it may take a few weeks to many months for Sculptra to begin assisting your body in producing collagen. Final outcomes typically appear three to four months after treatment. To create a firm and enhanced look, it is delicately injected and feathered in around the targeted muscles. Although effects are not permanent, they can endure for two to five years.  It is important to note that a large number of vials are required and often multiple treatments sessions are needed to achieve the desired result.


Sun exposure, aging, and drastic weight loss are the main causes of crepey, thin and wrinkled skin on the arms. Sculptra can improve the appearance of the arms by boosting collagen and restoring the skin’s deep, underlying structure. Sculptra results in long-term plumping in the treatment area to even out the skin’s surface and smooth away wrinkles and fine lines.



As we grow older, the body spends a lot less energy on collagen repair and rebuilding, leading to skin laxity, wrinkles, and thin skin above the knees. Sculptra can improve the appearance of the knees by boosting collagen and restoring the skin’s deep, underlying structure. Sculptra results in long-term plumping in the treatment area to even out the skin’s surface and smooth away wrinkles and fine lines.


How long does it take Sculptra to work?

After the injections, you will experience immediate, albeit transient, effects for the first 24 hours. You will see noticeable, long-lasting results in two to three months, however the immediate effects may fade as your body creates new collagen.  Typically a series of treatments is required to achieve optimal results. Maintenance sessions are also recommended annually.

Am I a Good Candidate for Sculptra?


You may be a good candidate for Sculptra treatment if:

  • You wish to add volume to the hollow parts of your face that have developed as a result of aging or weight loss

  • You are seeking a semi-permanent filler that helps your body create collagen naturally to fill in wrinkles and give your face and/or chest a more youthful appearance.

  • You are between the ages of 25 and 75

You may not be a good candidate for Sculptra if:

  • You are looking for immediate results, Sculptra isn't for you.

  • You have an autoimmune disorder. Those suffering from lupus, RA, MS, and vasculitis are examples of autoimmune disorders. Make sure to mention any autoimmune illnesses you may have to your dermatologist during your initial consultation as there are additional conditions that could prevent you from receiving treatments.

  • You are nursing a baby or are pregnant.

  • You have an active rash or infection in the treatment area

  • You have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scarring.

How many Sculptra treatments will I need?

You'll probably need one to three treatment sessions spaced out by around a month in order to get the result you want. It can take up to six treatments to address severe volume loss.


Benefits of Sculptra

  • Reduced risk of allergic reaction - With Sculptra, there is almost little chance of an allergic reaction because the main component is made from lactic acid, which is already found in every part of your body.

  • Restoration of volume and reduction of wrinkles and facial folds

  • Encourages the body to produce collagen on its own

  • Little to no downtime

  • Gradual, natural change to your appearance

Is Sculptra safe?

Yes, Sculptra is a safe form of dermal filler. Sculptra is FDA-approved in the United States and has been used worldwide since 1999. Our board-certified dermatologists will advise you on whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure based on your current health and aesthetic goals. 

What can I expect with Sculptra treatment?

You will first have a consultation with one of our board-certified dermatologists. Your medical history and any allergies you may have will be requested from you. We will talk about the potential number of treatments you require. We typically recommend three injection treatments over the course of approximately four to six months. Topical numbing is applied prior to treatment to maximize comfort. Sculptra is injected using a cannula which increases safety and decreases risks of bruising. After a Sculptra treatment, you may experience swelling, bruising and temporary numbness of the treatment area. We recommend avoiding vigorous exercise following treatment.  


Is there any downtime after having Sculptra?

After a Sculptra treatment, you may experience swelling, bruising and temporary numbness of the treatment area. We recommend avoiding vigorous exercise following treatment.  Swelling typically resolves within 1-2 days and the bruising can be covered with make up if necessary. We recommend avoiding vigorous exercise following treatment.   

Can I combine Sculptra with other treatments?

Sculptra can be combined with various other treatments including: neurotoxins, RF Microneedling, Lasers, Sofwave. Your dermatologist will create the best treatment regimen for you.

How is Sculptra different from other fillers?

Sculptra uses poly L lactic acid to stimulate your own natural collagen. While you will experience an increase in volume the day of treatment, the sterile water gets absorbed and you will gradually see results develop over 1-2 months. Hyaluronic acid or gel fillers restore volume immediately. These are great for areas like the cheek bones, jawline and lips. Hyaluronic acid fillers gradually degrade over time and can last for 6-12 months. Sculptra builds new collagen which typically lasts 1-2 years.  

Schedule Your Dermal Filler Consultation Today

If you would like to learn if you are a good candidate for Sculptra or other dermal fillers, please call ICON Dermatology today at (301) 810-3600 to schedule an initial consultation.